How to Install Flash on Ubuntu Linux, the easy way!
Step 1: Getting the required stuff
before doing this please follow This instructable, otherwise this will not work you can find it
ok first you need to go to
then click the "get flash" icon on the right hand side of the page. It
should automatically detect the fact that you are using Linux and give
you the correct file types.
click download, and save to disk the tar.gz file you DON'T want the .rpm or YUM files.
Step 2: Actually installing it
it won't work yet, go to a website that uses flash, a good example would be
try and play a video, it won't work thats what we are going to do now, make it work, over the next two steps!
go ahead and open the tar.gz file, and click extract, a new window will pop up, asking you where you want to extract it to, select your
desktop (it should select your desktop by itself anyway).
Step 3: Installing it
actually some of the online tutorials and that I have read make this bit
seem really complicated, there is a way to do this using the sudo
(super user do) command, but that is quite complex for first time users
also if you follow this method rather than the sudo method (which is
harder) you will have to do this for every user on you computer (i
anyway, go to the desktop, you will see a folder called the same
thing as the tar.gz file you downloaded (something like
open that folder, you will see that there are two icons in that, click on the FlashPlayer-Installer Icon
now you should get a message, choose "run in terminal" now here is
the first time that you are actually going to have to use a command
line, and it is really easy!
make sure you read all the instructions as they come up, make sure
you have no browsers running, that means Firefox Sea monkey etc.
when you see the "install action summary" press Y (yes) and enter,
if you press Q it will give you a load of info about it (boring) or N
will not install it (it means no).
let it do its thang, and when it is finished, close it and start firefox, go to youtube and viola
Step 4: After Thoughts
believe you can preform a similar procedure to this using Java although I have not installed it (I have no need for it, though obviously
getting the required files will be different seeing as it will be from
sun micro systems not adobe)
Also although this instructable can help you avoid using Ubuntu's
command line (terminal) as much as possible it is a good idea to be able
to use it and be relatively competent in its use, because there will be
times when you have to use it!
but you will in time get to learn the basic commands such as "sudo
apt-get install" etc in time, its all part of the Ubuntu experience (how
corny does that sound)
I do read my comments so if this isn't working for you, please use
the comments section and I shall endeavor to to help you, (after all it
is part of the concept of Ubuntu, remember "I am because you are."
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